This is a personal website of Artem Khassanov. I’m a software developer from Montreal, Canada and I like to code not just on the job but also in my spare time.
You will find here various applications, utilities and libraries that mostly pertain to video games I like to play and consequently mod. Any tool that I consider useful to other players will find a place somewhere in the pages of this blog.
The longest-tenured effort among these tools is NHLView, the roster editor for NHL series from EA Sports®. It is still in active development, though progress has been slow in recent years. There are also tools for other games but these are mostly there in archive mode. There is no intention to continue working on them going forward.
Professionally, I’m a full-stack web application developer, proficient in back-end and front-end languages, relational databases and anything infrastructure-related where such applications get deployed. However, all the tools found on this site are Windows-native apps, written mostly in Delphi or C. I started learning Delphi in my teens and this is the programming language I like to use to this day in most of my hobbyist projects.
If you require assistance with any of the tools offered on this site, drop me an email. Please note that I may not be able to help with the older tools that have been collecting dust for too many years.